Cloud For Manufacturers: The 3V Framework For Successful Transition
In a highly-competitive and rapidly-evolving business environment, businesses need to be responsive, cost-effective and innovative to meet rapidly changing customer demands. This requires businesses to adopt technology solutions so that they can manage these requirements at a fast pace than traditional CapEx allows.
However, adopting cloud solutions means more than just technical changes. Piecemeal cloud adoption isn’t a sustainable plan as it will not have coherence in terms of cost, security, or operational health. A clear cloud strategy, aligned to business strategy, is critical to realizing all the benefits of the cloud. In order to achieve that, it is vital for a business to adopt a suitable framework.
Download this e-Book to learn how the 3V (Vision, Valuation and Vector) Cloud Strategy Framework can help you prepare your organization effectively for the cloud adoption process to ensure the best chances of successful transition.