Finance Services

The Future of Financial Services Is Now

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Technological disruptions over the last few decades have changed how the financial services industry communicates, operates, delivers services and engages with clients. Financial institutions handle confidential data and have a high risk of exposure in terms of financial losses, unlawful activities, and economic harm, all of which makes the financial service industry a highly regulated industry.

Overcoming these challenges requires proactive risk management, investment in technology and talent, robust cybersecurity measures, and the ability to adapt to changing market dynamics while ensuring compliance and maintaining customer trust.

Business Obstacles

Complex Technology Barriers of the Financial Industry

  • High Capital Expenditure of Old Infrastructure

Maintaining on-premises infrastructure required substantial upfront capital expenditures. Financial institutions had to invest in hardware, software licenses, security systems, and ongoing maintenance costs, which added to their financial burden.

  • Cumbersome Manual Processes

Manual and paper-based processes result in inefficiencies, increased processing time, and a higher risk of errors. The lack of real-time updates and accessibility further delays processes, impacting operational efficiency and hindering the ability to respond promptly to customer needs.

  • Data Security Challenges

Financial institutions had to invest heavily in building robust security measures to protect sensitive financial data. This included implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, access controls, and encryption technologies, often requiring specialized security expertise.

  • Complying To Regulations and Laws

Meeting regulatory requirements in the financial services industry involves managing complex compliance frameworks and ensuring adherence to industry-specific regulations. Financial institutions had to invest in dedicated compliance teams and tools to address these challenges.

  • Limited Scalability

Scaling up infrastructure to accommodate increased demand or business growth was a time-consuming and costly process. Financial institutions had to procure and set up additional hardware, which often resulted in delays and higher costs.


Crossing the digital divide in Finance

  • Data Resiliency with Sovereign Cloud

As a Sovereign Cloud provider, we offer robust security measures to protect sensitive financial data and safeguard against cyber threats and unauthorized access. We comply with local regulations, reducing the burden of security compliance for financial institutions.

  • Elimination of Tedious Processes

Our cloud-based solutions enable the automation of manual tasks that were previously time-consuming and prone to errors. Decision-makers can access up-to-date information, perform data analysis, and generate reports quickly, leading to more informed and timely decisions.

  • Seamless Application Expansion

Financial institutions can integrate their applications and services with other cloud services, databases, or external systems, facilitating data exchange, workflow automation, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

  • Reduced Provision Time

The cloud enables financial institutions to provision computing resources quickly. Instead of waiting for physical hardware to be acquired, installed, and configured, we have shortened provision time from months to hours.

  • Scaled Down Expenditures

The cloud offers cost savings by eliminating the need for significant upfront investments in hardware, infrastructure, and data centers. Our clients leverage the pay-as-you-go model, paying only for the resources they consume. This reduces capital expenditures and allows them to scale their infrastructure based on demand, optimizing costs.

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